1 million products and 1 million thanks to all Open Food Facts contributors!

1 million products and 1 million thanks to all Open Food Facts contributors!

Open Food Facts now has 1 million food products worldwide! A huge thank you to the tens of thousands of people who have joined the Open Food Facts project since 2012, who have added products, photographed them, and entered their information in our great Wikipedia of food!

1 million products and 1 million thanks!

Thanks to you, we have been able to build together the largest open database of food products in the world.

It is a citizen and collaborative database, because food is everyone’s business – not just that of the agri-food industry and public authorities – and we can all be actors to bring more transparency.

It is a free, open and public database, because information on food products is of public interest and it thus must be public and freely reusable by everyone for all purposes: for consumers to understand labels and to compare products, but also for scientific research, journalistic investigations, data-driven public policies, etc.

It is a non-profit, collaborative database, independent of the industry, to ensure that the general interest remains our only guide.

It is an open base for all types of product information, in which we are adding more and more fields to more and more domains, so that it can address all the issues related to food such as those which impact on our health, the environment and society.

It is a global database, to address these issues at the scale of the planet, and to encourage the dissemination of best practices around the world.

Open Food Facts is a great example that all of us can be change makers:

  • through our own choices, by using the Open Food Facts mobile app or one of the many other applications that use our database.
  • by participating in the construction of a common good, and adding products or completing information on Open Food Facts.

Reaching 1 million products is a great success and a great reward for the efforts of each of us for the last 7 years. We can collectively be very proud of it.

Of course there is still a lot to do, and we need your help:

Donate to Open Food Facts

A million thanks to all of you who are involved in the project or are supporting it!

1 million products and 1 million thanks to all Open Food Facts contributors!